Felicitating renowned Hindi writer Nasera Sharma under the aegis of ‘Anand Sagar Smriti Kathakram Samman’ for year 2014, the Hindi literary festival ‘Kathakram’ brought together readers, writers and critics on one stage. The 22nd edition of the annual event with its 19th consecutive stop-over at Lucknow, commenced with a discussion on ‘Lekhak, pathak aur aalochak: Sehmati/Asehmati ke aadhar va aayaam’ (Writer, reader and critic: The basis and scope of agreement/ disagreement).
Receiving the award, Nasera Sharma informed the audience about her love for the Hindi language over Persian and Arabic that were taught extensively at her school and home. “I would never understand the Arabic verses taught at school and so would write in Hindi, which was more than a sin for my classmates to see. Perhaps, I was born to extend the due to Hindi literature from my family of Urdu and Arabic laureates,” she said. While she was guided by Premchand’s son Sripath Rai to keep introducing Urdu words in Hindi literature for the fear of their fading out, Sharma pointed out at the amalgamation of cultures and languages which was well received earlier.
Commenting on the role of readers as well as critics to the writer, eminent Hindi writer Dr Giriraj Kishore said, “The reader in ancient times had no voice abiding by what was taught to him. In today’s time too the reader is not very confident and shies from opining. It becomes the author’s responsibility to connect the reader with literature.”
The discussion held an imperative stance on need for critics to read varied literature available and compare different types so as to be aware of the good and bad. The critic should also be aware of the circumstances and sensibilities of an event or a character in the way it is dealt with.
source: / The Times of India / Home> City> Lucknow / TNN / November 16th, 2014