Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav announced on Friday the waiver of value-added tax on solar energy equipment, and said the State was working on setting up solar power plants and parks here.
“Our State has a vast potential and if facilities are given here, entrepreneurs could make India a developed nation. ‘Make in India’ could not succeed without ‘Make in UP,’” he said.
At the North India Solar Summit, organised by the Indian Industries Association, he said the State had announced its solar policy and the government was working on having solar power plants and solar parks in the State.
He said light and fans would be run on solar power in the under-execution Loha housing scheme. Solar power would soon be supplied to a village with no charge collected from consumers. The State was working to ensure power supply for 16 to 18 hours in rural areas and 22 to 24 hours in urban areas.
source: http://www.thehindu.com / The Hindu / Home> National> Other States / PTI / Lucknow – April 25th, 2015