DG, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dr. Girish Sahni, on the occasion of CSIR Foundation Day, today announced bestowing of CSIR Award for S&T Innovations for Rural Development (CAIRD) – 2014 upon CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CSIR-CIMAP), Lucknow for “Enhancing incomes of farm communities through Vetiver based Technological Interventions”.
CSIR had instituted the “CSIR Award for S&T Innovations for Rural Development” in the year 2006 to recognize and honour S&T innovations that have helped transform the lives of rural people.
The effort through this award, in a way, is also to give a boost to rural development through intrinsic innovation and its implementation at ground level.
The award, which has emerged as a very prestigious one, carries a cash prize of Rs.10 lakh, a citation and a shield.
source: http://www.pib.nic.in / Press Informaion Bureau, Government of Indai, Ministry of Science & Technology / by KSP / September 26th, 2015