Power reached Majra Faqeer Khera village in Mohanlaganj area of state capital 69 years after independence. Villagers danced when the first bulb was switched on in the house of a villager Bechan.
The village finally became one of hundreds of villages across the country that has been provided electricity for the first time since independence in a special drive to electrify all the villages of state.
On the first day, 35 connections to BPL families and 1 to APL family was given, said GM LESA Ashutosh Srivastava who adopted the village and ensured power lines within 20 days of adoption of village.
“ I have directed all the engineers to adopt a village in their respective areas which do not have power yet. However, in this village under Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana of the centre, only Rs 21 lakh were spent for creating the power infrastructure ,” said Srivastava.
For Bitana Devi 31, Electrification means a lot as her son can study any time he wants. “My son, a student of Class 5 was not able to study at nights. Now he can do so,” she said.
Shatrughan, 59, another resident, said, “ We have studied and spent our lives using lanterns. Now our kids can live a better life.”
Chandan, a shop owner said, “ Earlier our day started with sun rise and finished with sunset but now we will have a life after sunset too. Electrification will help students, traders and farmers in increasing their output. ”
Gaj Prasad cleaned his refrigerator today which he received in his marriage as a gift from his in laws five years back. H would be able to use it at last, he said, adding gleefully, “Now we can drink chilled water and save our food from rotting.”
source: http://www.hindustantimes.com / Hindustan Times / Home> Cities> Lucknow / by HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times,Lucknow / June 12th, 2017