Like every year, actor Kushal Tandon took a day off from his shooting schedule to be with his family in Lucknow on Diwali. Kushal, whose show ‘Beyhadh’ went off air recently, celebrated Diwali with his parents and sisters. “I am in Lucknow on every Diwali and Bhaiya Dooj. So this year was no exception. While I don’t like bursting crackers, I had to do it since I had my nephews over at home who are really fond of bursting crackers,” said Kushal.
Quite happy with the appreciation that he received for his show ‘Beyhadh’, Kushal says, “We were never after TRPs; our show was meant for the urban class. Thankfully it did get good TRPs and will always be remembered as a cult show. It had been a beautiful journey for all the team members. Before ‘Beyhadh’ happened, I had just done one fiction show, which was ‘Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai’. This show showed my real acting talent. My work was really appreciated and I got calls from a lot of people in the industry for my acting. So it really felt nice. It was really hectic too as ever since the show went on air, we had been shooting continuously and we didn’t have a bank of episodes. In that sense, it was a roller coaster ride.”
Now that the show has gone off air, Kushal is working on a web series. “Ever since it was announced that ‘Beyhadh’ is going off air, I have been getting a lot of offers for everything — movies, serials and web series. All I want to do is the best. So finally, I have said yes to a 20-episode web series produced by Ekta Kapoor. I can’t discuss the concept as of now, but just like my previous two shows, this too will be different,” he said.
Web series is the future for entertainment feels Kushal. “Gone are the days when actors used to be a part of web series just for creative satisfaction and not money. I am getting paid double the amount of what I was being paid for TV. So of course there is money involved too,” said he, adding, “And as far as watching paid content on the internet is concerned, people are paying and watching good content — whether it is Hindi or English shows. In times to come, television will be dead. Everything is now on the internet. People are always on the internet. A single episode of Beyhadh used to have million views in just one night on the internet. That’s crazy! The younger generation doesn’t have time to sit at home in front of the TV and watch shows. They prefer watching it on their mobiles now.”
Enjoying the high in his professional life, Kushal says he is in no mood to make his personal life happening by getting committed. “I am happily single now and everybody is my friend now. It’s been three years that I have been single and I am enjoying my life a lot now. Love is definitely beautiful but life besides love is also very beautiful. Right now I am working on myself and I don’t have time to fall in love,” he says.
source: / The Times of India / News> City News> Lucknow News / by Akash Wadhwa / TNN / October 28th, 2017