While people can’t get enough of how stunning and much in love Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli look in their wedding pictures, which are being circulated on social media, not many know the couple who made everything look so beautiful. Lucknow girl Devika Narain was entrusted with the task of designing the wedding and her husband, Joseph Radhik, was the one who clicked all those inspiring photos.
After the couple made their official pictures public on their social media accounts, Devika and Joseph, who had to keep all their work a secret from everyone, finally got a chance to reveal what had kept them busy for a few months.
“Some days, the whole world conspires to make things right. Thank you @virat.kohli and @anushkasharma, it has been an absolute honour and privilege to be a part of your journey,” posted Devika on her Instagram account.
She also wrote a post on her company’s Facebook account, “It’s finally all settling in, the cold is seeping back in and at this point I’m an odd mix of relief and immense excitement. We’ve been keeping a secret for a couple of months now and all of it has come to life today, in a beautiful tuscan village, where Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma got married. We’re overwhelmed to have been chosen to be a part of such a special day. It means a lot to us to have had their trust, not just in keeping all of this a secret but to create a setting for their big day! Congratulations and thank you! #virushka.”
Devika made several trips to Italy’s Borgo Finocchieto to get every detail in place and make all the arrangements for a wedding that had the nation interested. Devika’s father told a national daily that she had kept her assignment a secret from her family as well.
After completing her schooling from Lucknow’s Loreto Convent Intermediate College, Devika studied English honours from Delhi’s Lady Shri Ram College. She worked at a popular wedding planning company for a few years before starting her own.
Devika has also designed the weddings of Indian cricketers such as Robin Venu Uthappa, Dinesh Karthik and more.
source: http://www.timesnownews.com / Times Now News / Home> Zoom> Entertainment / Times Now Digital / December 12th, 2017