Lucknow :
Chief minister Yogi Adityanath gave away the prestigious Rani Laxmi Bai Veerta awards in Lucknow on Thursday. As many as 129 women and girls were awarded. The CM said his government was committed towards the security and welfare of women and all necessary steps have been taken in this regard.
Among the awardees was Pallavi Fauzdar Mishra, a solo lady biker, who is also fashion and jewellery designer. Pallavi made four back-to back world records by covering 3,500 km ride, more than 5,000 metre above sea level, from Delhi to Ladakh.
Speaking to TOI, 38-year old Pallavi, a resident of Lucknow now living in Delhi, who started riding a bike when she was nine, said, “Ek zindagi kam pad jaati hai bahut kuchh karne ko.”
With just a pack of inhaler, drinking water and some clothes, Pallavi started her journey in July 2015 from Delhi to Leh, Ladakh. It took her over seven days to cross eight high passes 5,000 metre above sea level and braved seven avalanches.
In September 2015, Pallavi drove up to 54 km ahead of Badrinath, Uttarakhand, crossing passes at 18,774 feet near Indo-Tibetan border, her world record.
source: / The Times of India / News> City News> Lucknow News / by Urooj Khan / TNN / March 30th, 2018